Gonzales Family Retreat Testimonial

Hi, how are you? We are the Gonzalez family and we want to give you a testimony of who we were. The first years of marriage were very nice, but then I began to bring out what I really was and she began to discover it. I was a womanizer, a womanizer,...

Testimonial Contreras Family Retreat

Hello, we are the Contreras family. We had a broken marriage, and speaking of divorce, I want to tell you that I was a man addicted to crystal meth, pornography and was a mythomaniac. It was through a flyer that we remembered the church and through...

Testimony of the Zelaya Family

We are the Zelaya family and we come to invite you to go to a retreat that will change your lives. At the beginning I didn't want to go to a retreat, we were going through a problem in my marriage, we were going to separate, I decided to go to a retreat. And I went to the retreat...

Testimonial by Sabrina Garcia

Testimony of Mrs. Sabrina Garcia My name is Sabrina Garcia, I had physical problems, besides that I had problems with addictions to alcohol, cocaine, crystal meth, and pills. I went to a retreat and in the truck the Lord healed my spine and my back....

Testimonial by Ana Ruth Amaya

Testimonial Ana Ruth Amaya: Before going to the 3 Days of Power Retreat I had a very depressed life, I thought I was happy, I laughed in front of people, but inside I was dying. Nobody really knew the situation that I was living, because I was...