- School of Success

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School of Success

What is the school of success?

It is a comprehensive set of teachings covering spiritual, family, social and financial areas.

To provide tools and teachings that help people succeed in their lives.

Helps me in my character building.
It prepares me to succeed in life.
Helps me to have a better home, job, business, family, etc.
I discover my purpose in life.
I discover my potential, gifts and abilities.
I find a place to serve in my church.

Level #1
Character and the Vision of Success.

In this course you will learn basic qualities such as integrity, anointing, respect for authorities and aspects such as stewardship, teamwork and faith in people.

Level #2
Service and Leadership for Success.

You will learn about sexual sin, the art of listening, the art of speaking, what are feeders, the attitudes of a leader and the heart of service.

Level #3
Lifestyle for Success.

At the end of this course you will have understood your purpose on earth, success in spiritual, family, social and financial life, how to become a fisher of souls, how to minister healing, understand the power of praise and worship and the need for prayer.

Other courses we offer:
Pre retreat
Post retreat
Peace house leaders
For more information call (702)871-1900 EXT. 242.



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