Plan A Visit


Welcome to Aguilas Christian Family Center! We are so excited that you would like to visit us at one of our Sunday services!

We know that a church of our size can be a bit overwhelming on your first visit, so we would like to meet you personally and show you our facilities.

Please fill out this form below and we will have a host waiting for you at the door to show you around our church.

We look forward to meeting you soon!


We are very excited about your intention to visit our temple in Las Vegas.

We want everything to go smoothly and that is why we would like to explain some details.

In the form on the right, put only your name at the beginning (even if there are more people coming).

It is important that you provide us with your phone number and email, just in case of contact.

It is important that you define the date on which you will visit us and the schedule.

Finally we ask you to explain how many people will come and if among those people there are children, you can write in the form example: (3 adults and two children).

We thank you again for your intention to contact us.



Please fill out this application to schedule your visit to ACFC.

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